| Posted in , | Posted on 6:14 PM

Demauri Malin
May 30, 2010

I am so looking forward to Camp WILD in Boulder, CO this year.  I'm excited about getting face to face time with team members, coaches and medical professionals.  I've developed a list of questions all centered-around training because this season has been a mix of joy and frustration.  I'm turning 40 this year and this season has come with a few health changes.  Changes I can't decipher or validate but I know are present so the camp comes right when I need it!  Although this training season has been tough I feel lucky to say this experience has made me look at other sports like cyclocross and obstacle course racing so I look forward to using what I learn at camp as a template for the new sports I will attempt later this year.  Even the tough times bring about change and the opportunity for new adventures!

My First 10k

| Posted in | Posted on 5:43 PM

Erin Neville
May 28, 2010

Well, I did my first 10km last weekend.  YEAH!!!  It was a great event, the biggest I have competed so far with about 2600 participants in the 10k.  The day was pretty amazing with sunshine and little wind.  It turned out to be our warmest day so far so it was quite hot with the temperature around 24 C or 74 F.  Yeah I know this temperature might be laughable down south but it was really warm here.  Give me a nice 9 C or 48 F any day.

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You Might Be On Team WILD if…

| Posted in , | Posted on 9:39 AM

Lee Langill
May 12, 2010

You are working out harder and longer than you ever have before.

You are experiencing some of the lowest “lows” you’ve had in years!

You have lowered your basal rate on your pump, and are setting more temporary basals than ever before.

You are making better choices about what to order when you are eating out.

You start feeling guilty for not exercising on one of your days off.

You’ve had your first glass of chocolate milk in over 30 years and are considering buying “Gu” for the first time.

You’ve gotten great advice on where to wear your sensor so you get accurate readings.

You’ve switched your workouts to outside and have seen deer, baby geese, and terns while running or biking.

You have already gotten sunburn this year (and you live in Chicago!).

You’re inspiring your friends to run and bike more.

You’re endurance is increasing.

You are really enjoying yourself!

Swim Class

| Posted in , | Posted on 11:04 AM

Anna Calderella
May 5, 2010

I am a Type 1 diabetic, I suffer from allergy induced asthma and (more importantly) I am an athlete.  This is the time of year that I have never been able to be outdoors because it would really affect my breathing.  (I live in El Paso, Texas and we have 80 mile an hour wind gusts until late May!) So I have figured out that swimming is the perfect spring time activity for me.   I have been swimming for 5 hours a week and I love it.  I joined a swim class to force me to get into the pool because it is a lot easier for me to sit on the couch and watch The Real Housewives of New York. In the last month of swimming I have started to notice how much better I can breathe. I have not had to use my inhaler and that is amazing.  I have had the opportunity to do drills which have helped me make my stroke more efficient and I have been swimming for an hour and a half two times a week which has helped me to build up more endurance. I am starting to get a little excited about doing an Olympic Triathlon in August! I love training and I am going to enjoy myself for the rest of the summer.